How to Register

How to Register

How to Register

Self Service + A&R常见问题


If you do not find th请回答下面的问题 contact us at admissions@孤峰.edu and then click Self Service.  然后用你的用户名和密码登录.

Watch this video Butte College Self Service Overview

Search and register for 类, pay fees, update your contact information, get your unofficial transcript, view your notifications, and access your financial aid package.

  1. 去 the Self Service 首页page.   
  2. 点击“计划、注册和退课”.” Locate your individual 课程s to the left of your Schedule.  你可能需要向下滚动才能看到所有的类.   
  3. 点击你想要放弃的每一门课程的蓝色放弃按钮.   
  4. A pop-up box will ask you to select the 课程s you wish to drop and click “Update”.  

Classes that have been successfully dropped will have a status of “Planned.” The 课程 时间表上的底纹会从绿色变为金色吗.  Dropped 类 will remain 即使您已不再注册,也要在“时间表”上填写.  In order to remove “Planned Courses” from the Schedule, click on the “X’s” next to each individual 课程.  If you have dropped all of your 课程s, you may click on the “Removed Planned Courses” 按钮,从您的时间表中删除您的所有课程.  For more information click on Self Service:  Steps To Drop A Class.  联系支持中心(530)895-2511或电子邮件 admissions@孤峰.edu for assistance. 

If you are a Continuing Student, you will see a blue banner with the registration appointment time when you click on Schedule and Register for Classes in Self Service. 确保你的时间表设置为正确的期限. 你可以 use the left or right 箭头选择您想要查看的术语.  If the term is not visible, click on the "plus" + button and select the term you want to add from the drop-down menu.  一旦学期可见,您将看到您的预约时间.  你 will also receive 来自现金娱乐网注册和记录部的电子邮件,告知预约时间.  If you are a New, Returning, New Transfer-In or K-12 Student, go to the When to Register page to see 当你有资格注册课程.  All of your holds must be cleared and past due balances paid in order to be able to see your appointment time and be eligible to register for 类.  如果你没有看到你的预约时间或需要 协助,联系现金娱乐网注册和记录:(530)895-2511或 admissions@孤峰.edu.

Students must request an add authorization 从讲师添加课程后,已开始上课. Students on a waitlist who have not been added by the start of the 课程 will also need to follow these 步骤.

To request an add authorization, please follow the 步骤 below or watch the included video.

  1. Find the instructor’s email address

教师的电子邮件地址可以通过登录你的 MyBC Self-Service portal by clicking on the 课程 "section name" in the schedule of 类, or by searching in the campus directory.

  1. 用你的巴特学生邮箱给老师发邮件


  • 名字
  • 身份证号码
  • 课程名称
  • Section number of 课程 to be added
  • Request for add authorization (use sample language below):

Hello (instructor name), my name is (your name), ID number (your student ID number), and I am writing to request an add authorization to your 课程 (insert 课程 name), section (insert section number). 谢谢你!.

  1. Wait for a confirmation email

The instructor 将电子邮件 you to confirm that they have authorized you to add their 课程.

  1. 在MyBC自助服务网站注册课程

Upon receiving an email confirmation, the student must register for the 课程 in Self Service 之前 the add deadline.

  1. Watch the video

The included video provides step-by-step instruction on requesting an add authorization to register for 类. 

  1. 皇冠新现金网

联系 admissions@孤峰.edu or call (530) 895-2511 if you have further questions about the add authorization 过程.

There may be various reasons why you are unable to register after receiving confirmation 您有添加授权来添加课程:

  • Check your hold notifications in your self-service account to make sure all your holds 被清除.
  • 你 may be trying to register for a different section than the one the instructor authorized for you. Please check your "Petitions & Waivers" tab in the "Schedule, Register and Drop Classes" section of your self-service to verify the 课程 you have been authorized to add.
  • 如果您没有看到“申请”中列出的课程 & Waivers" tab, you have not yet been granted add authorization. 请联系教练.
  • 如果你在课程表上计划好了这一部分 之前 you received add authorization, you will need to delete it and then readd it.

If you have checked all of the above and are still experiencing issues, please email admissions@孤峰.edu from your student email and a A&R Tech会尽快给你回复 business hours.

给老师发邮件,要求恢复上课. If they approve, they 将电子邮件 admissions@孤峰.edu with your name, student ID number, and the 课程 information and ask to add you back into the class. 

在这种情况下,不要尝试使用add授权读取自己-添加授权只用于您的原始注册一次. 在那之后 首次使用时,教师必须通过电子邮件请求恢复.

If a section is full, you can add the unavailable section to your schedule by opening the section and selecting Add Section. 在你的日程表左边,你可以看到一个 list of 课程s and sections. 在首选部分选择等待列表. 这增加了 the class to your schedule.  为了进入等待列表,你必须清除所有hold 并支付任何过期的妨碍注册的费用. After your registration appointment 时间,你将能够点击Register Now按钮.  To know if you have successfully added yourself to the Waitlist, the status above the 课程 will change to "Waitlisted".


Before class begins: If you've been able to put yourself on the waitlist, you'll automatically 当其他学生退学,有空位时,他就被录取.

Students must request an add authorization 从讲师添加课程后,已开始上课. Students on a waitlist who have not been added by the start of the 课程 will also need to follow these 步骤.

To request an add authorization, please follow the 步骤 below or watch the included video.

1. Find the instructor’s email address

教师的电子邮件地址可以通过登录你的 MyBC Self-Service portal by clicking on the 课程 "section name" in the schedule of 类, or by searching in the campus directory.

2. 用你的巴特学生邮箱给老师发邮件


  • 名字
  • 身份证号码
  • 课程名称
  • Section number of 课程 to be added
  • Request for add authorization (use sample language below):

Hello (instructor name), my name is (your name), ID number (your student ID number), and I am writing to request an add authorization to your 课程 (insert 课程 name), section (insert section number). 谢谢你!.

3. Wait for a confirmation email

The instructor 将电子邮件 you to confirm that they have authorized you to add their 课程.

4. 在MyBC自助服务网站注册课程

Upon receiving an email confirmation, the student must register for the 课程 in Self Service 之前 the add deadline.

5. Watch the video

The included video provides step-by-step instruction on requesting an add authorization to register for 类. 

6. 皇冠新现金网

联系 admissions@孤峰.edu or call (530) 895-2511 if you have further questions about the add authorization 过程.

Watch this video Search and Schedule Classes

在自助服务主页,点击“搜寻课程”框. In the Advanced Search tab, select your desired term. 然后,从课程中选择一个课程主题 and Section drop-down menu.  您也可以使用“搜索课程”框来查找课程 通过输入课程名称、标题或主题. 您可以输入课程名称(例如, Math-18 or Math 18) to locate a specific 课程 in the Search for 课程s field. 你 也可以输入关键字按标题查找课程吗. For example you might enter British to find a British Literature 课程. 当您使用Search for 课程s字段时 课程s found will be listed in order of how well they match your keywords. 你可以 also enter a section number like 6801 or N6801 to find a specific 课程 section.  After the pertinent 课程s have been identified, you can select View Available Sections 为[课程名称]查看每个特定课程的部分.


联系现金娱乐网注册和记录,电话:(530)895-2511或 admissions@孤峰.edu if you need assistance.          

你可以 only register for 课程s during a specific time period based upon your registration priority. 如果是在您的注册时间之前,您将没有 the option to register for any 课程s. 您还需要清除任何注册保留 并支付任何过期余额,以便有资格注册.

After you search and add 课程s to your schedule (see "How do I search for 课程 sections in Self Service?"), go to the  homepage.
  • 单击主页并转到侧边栏. Click on 学者 and scroll down to Schedule and Register Classes.
  • 你 will see your schedule with all the sections you’ve planned or added. 
    • 计划的部分用黄色表示
    • Sections that show a conflict such as meeting times conflict or a conflicting enrollment or the 课程 if full show in red.
    • 您已注册的部分显示为绿色.
    • 没有具体会议时间的部分将显示在时间表下面.
  • To register in all of the planned 类 on your schedule, click on the Register 屏幕右上方的Now按钮.
  • To register for 类, individually, click on the Register button below each 课程 on the left.  If the 课程 turns green on your schedule, you are successfully 注册.
  • If the 课程 does not show up as green with a status of "Registered", you are not 注册.  如果你不能确定为什么你没有被录取,请联系现金娱乐网注册和记录部门 可以在电话(530)895-2511或 admissions@孤峰.edu
Check your hold notifications and make sure all of your holds 被清除 and any past due balances have been paid.  检查一下你是否有资格注册 类.  看到 Registration chart for registration times.  检查一下你是否有任何需要的协议 not been confirmed.  请致电现金娱乐网注册和记录部,电话:(530)895-2511或 admissions@孤峰.edu for assistance.

Watch this video Self Service Login and Notifications
If you’ve forgotten your Butte College ID#, call 现金娱乐网注册 and 记录 at (530) 895-2511. To obtain your MyBC account username and password, call Student Tech 支持 at (530) 895-2925 or email StudentTech支持@孤峰.edu.

单击主页并转到侧边栏. Click on 学者 and scroll down to Schedule and Register Classes.

点击日程表上方的打印图标来打印你的日程表.  你r schedule is color-coded:

  • 计划的部分用黄色表示
  • Sections that show a conflicting enrollment such as meeting times conflict or the 课程 is full are outlined in red 
  • 已成功注册的部分为绿色.
  • 没有具体会议时间的部分将显示在时间表下面- check the color to know if you are enrolled.

你可以 also check the registration status for each 课程 to the left of the schedule.  Each 课程 will be listed with the registration status above it:  planned, 注册, or waitlisted

联系现金娱乐网注册和记录部门寻求帮助,电话:(530)895-2511或 admissions@孤峰.edu 

7天付款计划在2023-2024学年暂停实施.  This means that you will not be dropped for nonpayment.

Please contact 现金娱乐网注册 & 如果您有疑问或需要更多信息,请记录 有关付款方式,请致电(530)895-2511.

Instructions in progress.  联系现金娱乐网注册和记录部门,电话:(530)895-2511或发电子邮件 admissions@孤峰.edu for assistance.

如果符合条件,积分将出现在您的MyBC门户网站上. 你 may choose to leave the 计入学分,并将其用于以后的课程. If you would like to receive the money back, please email Amy Duncan duncanam@孤峰.edu 上面有你的名字、学号和邮寄地址.

*There is a $10 过程ing fee.

是的. 你可以在“自助服务”中看到每个学期的成绩. From the homepage, click on 左侧栏中的学术图标. 然后,从下拉菜单中选择Grades. Click on a term to view to view grades.

去 Financial Information and select Tax Information from the drop-down menu.

Content editor:
Julie Scarpelli 